Frequently Asked Questions

At Ming Sia, we know that rebuilding or refurbishing a property is a huge undertaking for our clients. So, we have compiled a list of questions frequently asked by our customers to help you along. But, if you can’t find the answers to your questions below, please feel free to email us.

1. Do I need approval from Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to carry out building works?

All building works, except those which are exempted under the Building Control Act, will require building plan approval. A list of minor building works which do not require approval from the Commissioner of Building Control is available on BCA’s website.

2. What other approvals do I need to apply when I’m developing my property?

If you appoint Ming Sia as your design & build contractor, we will seek for the necessary approvals from Urban Redevelopment Authority and Building and Construction Authority on your behalf. If you like to get a good overview of the approval cycle, you can consult the Developing Approval Cycle on eCitizen’s website.

3. How do I get a copy of my property’s architectural or structural drawings?

You can request a copy of the drawings from Building and Construction Authority. Details of the procedures and the fees you need to pay can be found here.

4. What are Temporary Occupation Permit and Certificate of Statutory Completion?

When the building works are completed, you or your design & build contractor, such as Ming Sia, may apply to the Building and Construction Authority for a Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) or a Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP). The building can only be occupied after a CSC or TOP is granted.

TOP is a temporary permit to allow owner to occupy the building when the key regulatory requirements are met as it may take sometime to obtain the CSC. However, application may be made directly for a CSC when all the requirements have been complied with. Your contractor will be in a good position to advise you on this.

5. How do I find out whether Temporary Occupation Permits (TOP) has been issued for my property?

You can search the Building and Construction Authority’s website for the latest TOPs that have been issued.

6. What are the factors I should keep in mind when planning for a rebuilding of my house?

Before meeting your home builder, you may want to keep this list of general questions in mind first:

What is the budget you are planning to invest in your property?
How big do you want your new house to be? How many storeys do you plan to build? Consider the number of rooms and toilets you need, and don’t forget about the basement.
What is the size of each room, including the toilets?
How high do you want each storey to be? The maximum storey height is 4.5 m for the ground floor, and 3.5 m for second storey onwards.
If you plan to build a multi-storey home, do you need a lift? A lift may be useful if there are seniors at home.
Do you need a garden? If yes, how big do you want it?
Do you need a swimming pool?
What types of finishes do you prefer, such as tiles, windows, doors and roof tiles? Browse through interior design magazines and books for ideas. Our team of architects and designers will be happy to give you their advise too.